Fox News guest says people who attended Orlando vigil are ‘mentally and emotionally unhinged’

A Fox News guest has called people who attended a vigil for victims of the Orlando Massacre “mentally and emotionally unhinged”.
Chadwick Moore, a journalist, made the comment while talking about a memorial to the 49 people killed in the attack on Pulse nightclub a year ago.
53 people were also injured at the hands of gunman Omar Mateen.
Moore accused those who spoke at the vigil in New York – including New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Governor Andrew Cuomo and a trauma surgeon – of forcing their concerns about guns in the US on the crowd.
The massacre was the worst shooting in modern US history, and many in the crowd carried signs reading “disarm hate” in reference to Orlando and numerous other deadly mass shootings.
Moore told Fox News host Tucker Carlson: “This is the strange phenomenon that when you have large dense populations of leftists, whether that’s on a college campus or if that’s in the gay community, that the small group of the loudest, most mentally and emotionally unhinged push their way to the front, seize the microphone and bully everyone into going along with them.
“They subject everyone who showed up into their radical ideology.”
During the event, Governor Cuomo told a crowd of thousands: “We passed gun control laws in this state.
“We are saying to our federal government: ‘We know it can be done.’”
He asked: “How many people have to die before this federal government comes to its senses?
“We had Columbine, we had Virginia Tech, we had Sandy Hook, we had San Bernardino, we had Aurora, Colorado. When does it stop?”
But despite the presence of the governor and New York City mayor at the LGBT event, Moore insisted: “Most gay people aren’t political.
“Most gay people, you know, they care about pop music and going to the beach.
“They probably don’t know what the Second Amendment is.
“And so they show up to be together, to celebrate the community, to mourn together and instead they are fed this anti-gun nonsense.”
Moore also called the Stonewall Inn, where the vigil took place, “a gay holy site, right.
“It’s the equivalent of Mecca for Muslims.”
Moore wrote for LGBT publications Advocate and Out magazine until he “left the left for truth and sanity” and chose to “come out as a conservative” last year.
Carlson has himself received criticism for calling on Saturday Night Live to mock “transgender bathrooms”.
A Christian activist was arrested earlier this week after a hateful protest at a memorial to victims of the Orlando massacre.
He was one of a trio of extremist Christian protesters who brandished signs featuring sickening homophobic language.
The signs included the messages “Warning: All homos will burn like faggots in hell”, and “Sin = Death”.