Which Orange is the New Black character is the love of your life?

If you’ve not already binge-watched all of Orange is the New Black season 5, you’re probably a fair chunk of the way through by now.
The fifth OITNB series to grace us with its presence takes place over 72 hours of hard-hitting, racially charged, riot-filled action.
Every episode finishes with a cliffhanger or by introducing a new plot point, pushing the viewer – practically shoving them, really – to give in and let the next one play.
Basically, it’s going to be like a season of 24, multiplied by three.
But you wouldn’t be human if your mind didn’t occasionally wander as to how you’d fare if you were banged up in Litchfield Prison.
Would you survive a prison riot? And which of the other characters would be the love of your life?
Take this ace quiz below to find out and then try the one below to find out if you could survive a riot in Litchfield.