Education trustee candidate blames terrorist attacks on LGBT people

Concern and anger has been sparked as a candidate for the public office of school board trustee in Calgary made a controversial Facebook post, in which she blamed LGBT people for terrorism.

Karyn Draper made the post after five people, including a police officer, were injured yesterday in a knife attack in Edmonton, Alberta.
Justin Trudeau called it a “terrorist attack,” and links have reportedly been found between the attacker and extremist Islam.
The post has caused particular concern as Draper is currently in the running to be elected as a school board trustee, and some say she is not an appropriate choice to look out for the interests of students.
Related: LGBT students in Tennessee could lose anti-bullying protection
Local school board trustee Julie Hrdlicka has expressed worry for marginalised students who could come under Draper’s authority, saying “there is no role for hate in the role of trustee.”
Draper released a statement, saying her post was in response to the criticism she has received for her opposition to Gay-Straight-Alliances in schools, and SOGI123, an initiate that is intended to support LGBT students.
“I understand I have created some high emotions over that statement and am sure that as I go forward, I can clarify again my intentions for running and confirm that I am here looking out for a fair representation to all children and all parents. ”
However this official statement clashes with an informal one made on her facebook, where she reiterated her original point – that the LGBT community should bear blame for terrorism.
“Almost every LGBT member I’ve met has been counter protesting our events against m103, the open borders, and against Islamic terrorism. Calling me a [sic] rascist.”
She added that “the lgbt in the area are also members of antifa the masked domestic terrorist group.”
She said the LGBT community was “the group that blames all of society every day for all their problems and mental issues,” and that they could “dish it out but can’t take it.”

“You wanted refugees. You want trudeau, you want open borders, you want the money from all the big banks that support your parades, but you take no responsibility”
She concluded, “Also just to clear up, I spelt dum like that on purpose, I don’t do crack or meth and even though I dressed up as a bag of weed 10 years ago. A drug test would prove I am not high.”
“I really don’t care how any of you get your rocks off. But I am against sogi123 and gsa in my son’s classroom”
There has been a huge response to her words, with over 1500 comments on the posts.
One commenter said “Considering all the tragedy in the news lately you should be ashamed for sowing more division.”
Another sarcastically said “Now here is the professional, intelligent, mature role model for our children we have all been waiting for!”