The 83-year-old who finally got to star in gay porn has said it was ‘splendid’

The 83-year-old who finally made his debut in adult films has said the experience was “splendid,” and that he would definitely do it again.
Last month it was revealed that after waiting a lifetime, Norm Self was finally getting the opportunity to show off his talents in gay porn.
And the self-defined advanced Tantrica, minister of erotic education and sacred intimate certainly enjoyed his moment in the spotlight.

Speaking to HuffPost, Norm said he was in “a blessed rural setting, surrounded by a cast and crew of loving, competent, supportive brothers intent on sharing the good news of the healing power of pleasure.
“What could be more delightful?”
Norm featured in the video on YouTuber Davey Wavey’s new gay adult film site Himeros alongside porn stars Blake Mitchell and Joey Mills.

He said that “if you’ve seen the video, with the two adorable models ‘performing,’ what else could be lacking?
“The best part was just being there and doing it,” he added.
“I find these days that my body is indeed a temple where intimacy and ecstasy intermingle; and whenever I am engaged with its erotic energies, I am transported into domains that give assurance of the goodness of all of life, and why I am here, embodied, to spread the good word that it’s available to all beings!”

Norm said that he would “absolutely” keep performing, and would do so “until the sex-negative norms are removed from our society’s vocabulary and replaced with the implicit message that our birthright is to enjoy erotic joy and bliss.
“We who have experienced that owe it to our sisters and brothers to share that good news with all who will hear it!
“There’s no reason not to do it again until every embodied person has the news and is practising in light of it,” he continued.
He also wanted to deconstruct ideas about old people and sex.
“I think it’s sad and destructive that our society has an image of elder human beings as ‘sexless,’ he said.

“I have been a facilitator with at least three women and a great many more men in the recovery/restoration of their erotic/sexual response and their joyful delight at the discovery that ‘it ain’t over until I say it is!’
“I’m proud to have been in this video. But if any reader thinks [this display of my sexuality is] exceptional, I can refer you to lots of men who will testify it’s also their story!”
And the 83-year-old porn star had some advice for younger people who are sexually active.
He said: “I have heard from reputable ‘authorities’ that young persons are physiologically more able to have more frequent sex.

I would not dispute that. But from my experience, and the testimonies of other older men, I would say that more is not necessarily better.
“In fact, in many areas of life, including sex, getting older can bring forward all manner of delicious subtleties and make life richer, fuller.”
He said that young people should “learn to pay attention and look for those subtleties.
“Learn to notice, to enjoy, and to give thanks for those subtler things in life that make it more enjoyable.
“And learn how to genuinely love every partner you have sex with – at least while you are having sex!
“And learn that there are many other erogenous zones than just your genitals. Get really acquainted with and train your mind — that’s your greatest sex organ!”