Queer Eye’s first transgender hero Skyler has won everybody’s hearts

Queer Eye has featured a transgender man for the first time – and he’s getting a lot of love.
The Netflix makeover show recently dropped its second season – and has set out to deliver on the promise of more diversity.
The original Queer Eye for the Straight Guy stuck pretty firmly to its initial premise in terms of the Fab Five’s subjects, but so far the reboot has branched out – featuring women and LGBT men in need of help as well as the eponymous ‘straight guys.’
Episode five of the second season featured transgender man Skyler, who lives in Atlanta, Georgia.
The show follows Skyler as he is recovering from undergoing transition-related ‘top’ surgery and liposuction, giving him the male figure he has always wanted.

Skyler undergoing surgery (Photo courtesy Netflix)
The 30-year-old was nominated for the show by his friends for his ‘skater boy from 1995’ dress sense, frequently donning baseball caps and tank tops.

Skyler pre-makeover (Photo courtesy Netflix)
His house also received scorn from the Fab Five, who took exception to the beat-up sofas and abundance of Pride flags.

Skyler’s house (Photo courtesy Netflix)
Stylist Tan France gave Skyler a more grown-up look, setting him up with a suit from a company that caters specifically to transgender people’s body types.

Skyler’s transformation (Photo courtesy Netflix)
Hairdresser Jonathan van Ness took on Skyler’s uneven beard and messy hair – giving him a more groomed look.
While Skyler had said it was important to keep the beard, it was eventually shaved back to some stubble.

Skyler haircut(Photo courtesy Netflix)
One of the show’s most emotional moments came when Tan admitted to his own ignorance about trans issues.
He said: “Quite honestly, I hate to admit it, but I’m not immersed in the gay community, and therefore I’m ignorant. I don’t know the correct pronouns.
“I feel f**king stupid, quite honestly. I feel stupid because I always looked at trans people and thought, ‘it costs so much and it can be really painful, why are you putting yourself through that?’
“It just seems such a traumatic experience, and truly didn’t understand what that meant to actually have the surgery done and feel that change.”
He added: “When I saw that video of you when you woke up [from surgery]… that just shows how f**king raw that was, when you open your eyes and look down and go to reach for your chest. That changed it for me, and I thought, ‘oh, f**k, this is what it means!’
“I’m annoyed at myself, thinking, why didn’t you get more involved in the gay community? You then would have maybe understood the trans community.
“There are so many people out there like me who are ignorant and don’t understand.”

Tan France opens up to Skyler (Photo courtesy Netflix)
The show follows Skyler as his is finally permitted to change the gender marker on his driver’s license to ‘M’, after a battle with the bureaucratic state system.
Eventually Skyler debuts his new look – and his smile says it all.

Skyler (Photo courtesy Netflix)
Fans online responded with an outpouring of love for Skyler.
— (@pocket_storm) June 19, 2018
YES Skyler’s episode of #queereye was trans 101, YES it centered around surgery, around “passing”. YES the fab 5 made missteps around terminology, etc., but good god it was incredible to see a trans person HAPPY, CONFIDENT, LOVED, SUCCESSFUL.
— Heather Loschen (@heatherfloschen) June 19, 2018
I thought I’d cry the hardest on Mama Tammye’s episode… Oh Skyler my heart ❤️ everyone deserves to be comfortable in the skin they are given even if that means molding it to fit how we feel inside. It’s your life, your body, & you only get the one. #QueerEye #skyisthelimit
— Stephanie Martin (@TessaNikole89) June 19, 2018
Skyler trying on his suit got me like #QueerEye
— Alex (@xelastarkly) June 18, 2018
Just watched Skyler’s episode of #QueerEye and omg, all the feels. pic.twitter.com/wCgRWrGVbD
— Patrick & Russell | GastroGays (@GastroGays) June 18, 2018
The show also recently featured a female subject – Tammye ‘Miss Tammye’ Hicks.