This definitely-not-homophobic guy freaked out at the idea his dog could be gay and went viral

Eric was very insistent that his dog wasn’t gay (Pexels and hipcaucasian/twitter)
Dating is hazardous – especially when the person you’re talking to is so anti-gay that gets hilariously defensive when you suggest that maybe, just maybe, his dog is gay.
Dogs can, of course, be gay.
In fact, hundreds of animals – possibly even thousands – exhibit homosexual behaviours, such as lions, while some species like penguins and polar bears often become same-sex parents.

A dog in the San Francisco Pride parade (Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty)
But not everyone knows this, and many people are so hostile to queer folk that they would rather bury their heads in the sand and pretend that no-one is gay, including animals – and particularly including their own pet.
This was the case for one man, known only as Eric, who has gone viral for his outstandingly ridiculous reaction to a woman who suggested in a friendly, teasing way that there was a possibility his male dog liked other male dogs.
When he told her to “get a girl version of him so we can take them out ,” she told him that was impossible because she lived in a dorm, before making an innocent remark to disrupt his heteronormative comment.
my friend was talking to this guy and she joked that his dog could be gay and
— chaselyn (@hipcaucasian) July 31, 2018
“Maybe he’s gay,” she said, without any apparent malice.
“He is definitely not gay,” responded Eric, with all the force of someone who is possibly not 100 percent cool with the idea of homosexuality.
“[How] do you know,” said the girl, curiously.

Dogs can be gay, a fact we’re sure Eric would be fine with (JOSH EDELSON/AFP/Getty)
“Because I do,” he replied, which reasonably enough only served to heighten her interest.
In the face of her gentle questioning, Eric wrote: “Lol look. He’s NOT gay. I don’t believe in that silly s**t anyway.”
With no other option available to her, she had to confront the idea that she was talking to someone with anti-gay views – and to her credit, she asked him plain and simple: “Are you homophobic.”

“Don’t call him gay” (Charles McQuillan/Getty)
“No but don’t call him gay. Even imposing that idea is trying to create something that’s not there,” he responded.
“You sound homophobic,” she wrote, clearly in no mood for his excuses or deflections.
And then Eric’s brain seemingly exploded.
“You must be slow,” he wrote. “You’re calling my dog gay when you don’t know me and you don’t know him.

Eric has gone viral (Drew Angerer/Getty)
“You’re forcing the f**king idea of him being gay when that was never being spoken about. So stop trying to impose your ideas on my life and my animal. Period.”
A tweet by the woman’s friend which included screenshots of the conversation has gone viral, attracting more than 25,000 retweets and likes – and a great deal of ridicule in Eric’s direction.
One commenter wrote: “Applause to woman for realizing she brushed a button and kept punching it until his true character was revealed.”
Applause to woman for realizing she brushed a button and kept punching it until his true character was revealed.
— Jeanette Natoli (@TotallyNatoli) August 1, 2018
Emily Nussbaum, a TV critic for the New Yorker, said: “that poor gay dog.”
that poor gay dog
— Emily Nussbaum (@emilynussbaum) August 1, 2018
Another person wrote: “Filing this under ‘are the straights okay..?'”
Filing this under “are the straights okay..?”
— Abhijeeth Vijay (@ab_tal) August 1, 2018
And in a wonderful development, owners replied with pictures of their own gay dogs.
“My dog is absolutely gay…and I support his life choices. Love him no matter what.”
My dog is absolutely gay…and I support his life choices. Love him no matter what.
— Lou Olsen (@LouciferOlsen) August 1, 2018
“My girl loves her girls, and they love her!” wrote another proud owner.
My girl Loves her girls, and they love her!
— 42Cliff (@42_cliff) August 1, 2018
One wrote: “My gf’s family literally all agrees that their dog Finn is gay because he looks like this and consistently humps his dog brothers when they try to play with him.”
My gf’s family literally all agrees that their dog Finn is gay because he looks like this and consistently humps his dog brothers when they try to play with him
— Nate (@Workeroni) August 1, 2018
And three-time Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Barbara Davidson posted a photo of her dog after writing: “Yup – my dog’s gay too.”
— barbara davidson (@Photospice) August 1, 2018