Nifty gay stories: Best gay erotic fiction

A gay kiss at Pride in London

Nifty is one of many erotic literature sites but it’s especially unique because it is focused on the LGBT community with Nifty gay stories as well as lesbian, bi, trans and more.

Erotic fiction is massively popular, and the internet now caters to those who want to fill their nights with lustful stories.

Nifty Gay Stories

Nifty gay stories are immensely popular but there are literally thousands to pick from, and it’s for that reason that we’ve listed Nifty gay story categories with explanations and story samples. It will save you time, and you can just go straight into the gay erotic fiction you want, without wasting time scrolling through thousands of links.

Athletic gay stories

Nifty has a popular archive under athletic stories. From fiction literature about rugby teams to footballers, whatever your heart desires.

Recently, there was a seven-part gay erotic fiction about a young adult called Dennis who joins a swim team full of older men. You can imagine what happens during this gay story. We’re sure more parts will be published too, with the latest instalment receiving over 30,000 views. This particular Nifty gay athletic story started in June 2018 and appears to be ongoing.

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Authoritarian stories

These Nifty gay stories involve S&M, bondage and authority figures. 50 Shades of Grey probably grew the genre’s popularity but it’s not for everyone.

From masters to subservient gimps, this Nifty category has steamy stories dating back to 1989. Are you brave enough to read them?

College fantasies

College, universities, and fraternities. Nifty has many college stories in which LGBT lust overtakes fellow students. A recent gay story from a month ago has already been read 48,000 times, so it must be pretty hot. The piece is about gay sex and is entitled College Roommate: Using Each Other.

Gay friendship stories

Growing up gay, did you ever have feelings for a friend and wish it could flourish into something more?

Evidently many have as these gay stories about adult friendships turning into hot and steamy relationships is very popular.  Which erotic story tickles your fancy?

Lesbian, bi and trans Stories

Similarly, Nifty covers erotic stories about lesbians, bisexuals and trans people. While less popular within that particular gay story website, there are still thousands of stories that cover similar archives.

Other category archives include:

  • Masturbation
  • First time stories
  • Celebrity fantasies
  • Camping
  • No sex, but erotic, stories
  • Historical fiction
  • Relationships
  • Combative, war stories
  • One night stands

No judgements here. Which erotic literature will you pick?

Amazon Kindle Unlimited

If you’re after even more gay erotica outside of the Nifty platform then you can get loads of free books on Amazon Kindle Unlimited. The subscription comes with a free 30-day trial and then costs £7.99 per month with access to thousands of books – including gay erotica.

Readers can search for gay erotica on the Amazon website here and browse through the selection available to read for free as part of Kindle Unlimited. Some highlights include Tantalizing Twink Tales: A Collection of Gay Erotica from the 90’s, Winter Heat: A Gay Shifter Erotica Romance and Crime Plays: Hot Gay Erotica Collection.

To sign up for Kindle Unlimited go to the Amazon website and to find out more about the Amazon Kindle device go here.

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