Emma Watson now identifies as ‘self-partnered’ rather than single

Emma Watson. (Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)
Ahead of her 30th birthday, Emma Watson has coined her own term for being single by describing herself as “self-partnered”.
The actor – whose birthday is in April – described the pressures of entering the fourth decade of her life and the “influx of subliminal messaging” about what you should have achieved by then.
“If you do not have a husband, if you do not have a baby […] There’s just this incredible amount of anxiety,” she told British Vogue.
Watson, 29, said she has never believed the “‘I’m happy single’ spiel” and didn’t quite underhand why people would “make such a big fuss about turning 30”.
‘There’s just this incredible amount of anxiety’ about being single, says Emma Watson.
Yet after turning 29, Watson described how she felt “stressed” by the waves of expectations thrust upon her as she approached turning 30.
“If you have not built a home, if you do not have a husband, if you do not have a baby, and you are turning 30, and you’re not in some incredibly secure, stable place in your career, or you’re still figuring things out,” she said.

Emma Watson stated she’s “very happy” being “self-partnered”. (Todd Williamson/Getty Images)
“There’s just this incredible amount of anxiety.”
“I was like: ‘This is totally spiel,’” she said.
“It took me a long time, but I’m very happy [being single]. I call it being self-partnered.”
She also added that she has found 2019 “tough” as she “had all these ideas” about what her life would look like this year.
Single Twitter users rejoice at ‘positive way of thinking about being single’.
But her idea for ‘self-partnered’ has been welcomed by fellow singletons on Twitter, though, Good Morning Britain host Piers Morgan trashed the term today.
“Where do we get this rubbish from?” he said, reported the Metro.co.uk, “‘self-partnering’ means you can’t get a bloke right?”
Nevertheless, Twitter users showed up in troves to celebrate the coining of ‘self-partnered’:
Can we just give a collective cheer to @EmmaWatson for rebranding being single? Relationship status: 'Self-partnered'
— Francesca Specter (@ChezSpecter) November 5, 2019
emma watson saying she’s self partnered is probably the biggest mood— freya (@spaceflproject) November 5, 2019
Love how @EmmaWatson has now called herself “self-partnered” rather than single.
I love this phrase. Less stigma, less history, and actually more positive & accurate.
Partner with yourself to create a better story for your life. And you can do this with others or on your own.— James Prescott, Superhero (@JamesPrescott77) November 5, 2019