University bans ‘vicars and tarts’ parties to better protect non-binary students

Don’t end up like Bridget Jones and rock up to the party in a ‘vicars and tarts’ look, for Oxford University are cracking down on the theme. (Screenshot via YouTube)
One of Britain’s most prestigious institutions, the University of Oxford, has announced a crackdown on several student parties it has deemed “problematic” in an effort to better support non-binary students.
The university’s student union issued guidelines last Saturday around various fancy-dress functions, such as “vicars and tarts”, “pimps and hoes” and other “highly gendered” parties.
Moreover, the body explained that such parties stereotype people into highly sexualised roles that may exclude non-binary folks, while cautioning students to dress in drag “sensitively”, the Telegraph reported.
Fox hunting and ‘pimps and hoes’ party themes prohibited by Oxford University Student Union.
The guidance, called Inclusive Practise for Events, are “loose” and work to ensure “events are inclusive and don’t offend anyone”, a student union spokesperson said.
In an online leaflet seen by the outlet, the guidelines laser in on several party themes that could be seen as mocking ethnic minority students or excluding those who identify outside the gender binary.
“This advice does not seek to repress student self-expression through the clothing they choose to wear but is here to help everyone feel able to have a good time,” the guidelines read.