Trans Republican hit with disgusting transphobia by fellow conservative in ‘painful’ exchange

(YouTube/Slightly Offens*ve)
Trans Republican and Trump supporter Blaire White was subjected to disgusting hate by a fellow conservative during a “painful to watch” panel discussion.
White, an American YouTuber with over 942,000 subscribers, appeared on a conservative panel discussion to talk about the “radical left”. She was joined on the panel by fellow YouTuber and organisational psychologist Karlyn Borysenko, commentator John Doyle and self-described “America First, Recovery and the unborn” activist Lauren Witze.
The discussion quickly devolved after White started discussing LGBT+ issues.
“I don’t know how much you know about me, but I’m probably the most vocal anti-children transitioning person on the internet,” White said.
Witze interjected and said: “The best thing you can do for us is grow out your moustache and tell people not to live like you.”
The moment was so unforeseen that even Borysenko appeared shocked by Witze’s statements.
It came after Witze claimed that liberals are “playing on our Christian compassion” and “making us be tolerant and accepting of this diversity”, leaving “us with transgender paedophiles on Twitter”.
She also claimed that children might watch White’s videos and “said I could do that too and started transitioning”.
White – who often targets feminists, the media and even other trans people in her videos – said she doesn’t think “many kids look at my YouTube videos” and want to transition.
She added that she thinks there is a “huge chunk of LGBT people who are very much against ideas like children transitioning” and “trans women in biological women’s sports”.
But Witze once again interjected and said, if White wants to help the Republican party, she should “tell people not to live like you”.
The clip of White being brutally taken down has garnered almost 58,000 views on Twitter, and the person who tweeted the clip admitted the discussion was “painful to watch”.
One person wrote: “Imagine trying to win the approval of people who hate your existence.”
White has insisted that conservatives accept her more than other LGBT+ people do. In 2017, she wore a MAGA hat to an anti-Trump protest in Los Angeles and posted a video online claiming that a leftwing activist knocked it off her head.
The Snopes fact-checking service said White did get into an altercation over her MAGA hat, but it reported that police said White and her boyfriend initiated the altercation by crossing a line meant to keep the opposing sides separate.
In part of the Yahoo “Unfiltered” video series, White claimed it was harder to come out as right-wing than as a trans person. She said: “If you mix being trans with having a few right-wing opinions, it’s just a s**tshow.”
Witze previously ran as the Republican Senate candidate in Delaware and was linked to the QAnon movement. The Independent reported in September that Witze had gotten harsh criticism after posting messages online accusing Ruth Bader Ginsburg of upholding abortion rights which “overly singled out Blacks and minorities for extermination”.
She also said that her Democratic opponent at the time Chris Coons, who supports abortion rights, was a “Christian-hating baby killer”.