Man who vandalised library with ‘groomer’ slurs arrested on child porn charges

A man charged with spray painting the word “groomer” in libraries in Prince George’s County, Maryland, is now also facing child pornography charges.

Charles Sutherland, who was facing eight vandalism and hate crime charges for the spray painting, worked as a public-school librarian at the time of his arrest in June.

Charging documents show that Sutherland, from Tacoma Park, reportedly admitted the vandalism and allowed a search of his home, according to WUSA9.

It was during the search, the documents state, that officers allegedly discovered child pornography on 31-year-old Sutherland’s laptop. Items such as diapers, children’s dolls and a child-sized doll were said to be found in his bed.

Seven files containing child pornography were also said to have been found on the computer during a digital forensics examination in January.

Sutherland said he had no children, nieces, or nephews, WUSA9 reported.

WTOP, another local media outlet, said that last week a judge ordered Sutherland be held without bail.

He is scheduled to go on trial in Montgomery County in April, as well as in Prince George’s County in August for the original charges.

Sutherland has been on administrative leave since his arrest.

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In a statement at the time of his arrest, Prince George’s Police Department said the vandalism offences happened at Greenbelt Branch Library on 4 June and the New Carrollton Branch Library five days later.

The term “groomer” is a slur used against LGBTQ+ people, by trying to liken them to pedophiles or someone who wants to manipulate or exploit children.

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