LGBT History Month goes health-conscious

The Department of Health has become involved with an annual event to celebrate the history of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities.
A new addition to the LGBT History Month website from the department and the NHS provides resources, links and LGBT health-specific event ideas.
These pages, which will be regularly updated and expanded, provide useful information designed to help individuals and NHS trusts to recognise this celebration of LGBT History and provide the basis on which to build some events for your local LGBT community.
Other pages explain why safe spaces are essential to the health and well-being of LGBT; provide 23 exciting ideas for running your own LGBT health event in 2009 and beyond; provide a list of resources relevant or specific to the LGBT community; and include a list of relevant links.
LGBT History Month spokesperson Tony Fenwick said:
“This is a very exciting addition and it makes all our work worthwhile when a Government department supports us and feels our work is important. We are proud to have the Department of Health on board.
“We hope that everyone who visits our site reads these pages and uses them when planning events for LGBT History Month 2009. We need to start planning now to make it bigger and better than ever.”
February is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans History Month.
This national celebration of LGBT History offers, like Black History Month, a unique opportunity for the health sector to engage with a section of the population who face challenges in accessing services and often enhanced health needs.
For more information click here.