Canadian MP’s Christmas card attacked by homophobes

A gay Canadian MP who sent out a Christmas card featuring himself and his husband has been attacked by homophobes on the internet.
Nova Scotia Liberal MP Scott Brison’s personalised card shows him and husband Maxime St Pierre on a walk with their dog.
They tied the knot in 2007, two years after Canada legalised gay marriage.
Although personalised family Christmas cards are commonplace for politicians, a number of angry commentators attacked the card.
The Globe and Mail newspaper website had to shut its comment section due to “hateful” messages, while other websites opted to disable comment features.
Brison said the remarks were made by a “very, very tiny minority of bigots” and said he had received an overwhelmingly positive reaction.
He told the Canadian Press: “It’s a personal card. I’m not the first politician to have a family picture on a Christmas card … I’m looking forward to the day when this is seen as no big deal.”