Video: David Letterman attacked for skit on Obama-appointed trans woman

US television host David Letterman was attacked for a joke about Amanda Simpson, the trans woman appointed by President Barack Obama.
On the Late Show last night, Letterman mentioned her appointment to the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security.
After he showed an image of her, an assistant was seen running from the set screaming: “Amanda? Amanda used to be a dude? Oh my God.”
The clip was posted by gay blogger Joe Jervis, who described it as “an insulting bit of anti-trans middle school assclownery”.
Although some of his readers suggested the skit was poking fun at anti-trans sentiment, Jervis replied: “For those who don’t see anything wrong about this, consider how it reinforces the age-old ‘tricked by a transwoman’ claim that so many hate crimes defendants use, such as in the recent case of murdered teen Jorge Mercado.
“Aside from being sophomoric and a sitcom cliche, running off the stage as if about to vomit from the news that Amanda Simpson is trans is just not the sort of entertainment we should give a pass.”
To see the clip, scroll down.