BA pilot ‘posted homophobic rant on Facebook’

BA pilots have been accused of making foul-mouthed and abusive comments about passengers and crew on the internet.
The pilots, who volunteered to act as cabin staff during the strikes, reportedly wrote messages on Facebook about how much they hated passengers, while one made a homophobic remark about gay flight attendants, calling them “bum boys”.
According to the Daily Mirror, first officer Adam Corfield wrote on his Facebook page that he came close to punching a business class “w****r” who came “marching into the galley shouting into my face he wants a coffee”.
Another first officer, Jonathan Harman, replied to Mr Corfield saying: “You should have hit him.”
BA Airbus A320 pilot John Lincoln added: “I’ve done 3 trips as cc now. Totally agree, not the job for me either! B****y passengers… though so far I’ve avoided hitting them…”
Mr Corfield also gave his opinion on the crew strikes: “F**k them… at least we’ll have jobs at the end of it!”
In a reference to gay cabin crew, he wrote to Mr Harman: “I’m gonna get 14 bum boys rostered on ur next trip.”
Ben Summerskill, the chief executive of Stonewall, told the gay charity had complained to BA about the homophobic remark.
He said: “We have raised it with BA, they assure us they are carrying out a high level investigation.
“It does seem an odd way to encourage people to fly with you. We understand they are taking this very seriously.”
BA said: “We thank the Daily Mirror for bringing this to our attention. We are investigating the claims in line with our normal internal disciplinary process.”