Gay blogger Perez Hilton promises to stop bullying

Gay celebrity blogger Perez Hilton has promised to be nicer and stop making fun of his favourite Hollywood targets.
Hilton, who is known for his savage treatment of certain stars, said he had been accused of hypocrisy after raising awareness of a spate of gay teenage suicides.
In a video message posted yesterday, he said he was ashamed of his past behaviour and wanted to become “part of the solution, not the problem”.
“Over the last week and half I’ve done everything I can to bring awareness to teen suicides and gay bullying and in doing so a lot of people have called me a hypocrite and a bully and that’s not how I want to be perceived,” he said.
“It was a big wake-up call so I’m going to do things differently than I have done in the past.
Hilton, real name Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr, bills his blog as the “most-hated in Hollywood”.
He has been accused of outing closeted gay celebrities, such as former N*SYNC singer Lance Bass and this year, he was criticised for posting an image of 17-year-old star Miley Cyrus which apparently showed her without underwear. The image was said to have been faked.
He also regularly targets a handful of celebrities including Lindsay ‘Linsanity’ Lohan, and Jennifer ‘Maniston’.
However, Hilton declared yesterday that he would no longer call people “nasty nicknames” and added: “I’m not going to go the mean route. I don’t think it’s right to make fun of kids anymore.”