FAQ: Political advertising on PinkNews.co.uk

In response to recent emails seeking clarification on this issue, here are some of the most frequently asked questions to PinkNews.co.uk about political advertising within our website and iPhone application.
Why are advertisements for a political party or figure appearing?
PinkNews.co.uk has accepted political advertising since 2007 when the Conservative Party began to advertise on PinkNews, the first time a political party had launched a specific campaign to target the LGBTI community. Since the following year, the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats have also regularly advertised with our publication for national, local and European elections. There are some political parties and movements in the UK that we have specifically banned from appearing on PinkNews, but we do readily accept advertising from these main political parties and others in the devolved administrations.
However, outside of the United Kingdom, particularly in the United States, some of our advertising units are served using Google Adsense. This can mean that occasionally advertisements can appear without our knowledge or consent for political figures or campaigns that we would not ordinarily accept advertising from. If you notice an inappropriate advertisement for a non-UK based political movement or politician, please email [email protected] and we will request its removal. Obviously, we don’t back nasty campaigns to ban gay couples from marrying!
Does PinkNews endorse a political party or an advertisement?
No, PinkNews.co.uk is apolitical, although we reserve the right to endorse a candidate in an internal party election, such as for the leadership of a political party. We do not endorse candidates or parties in general, local or European elections.
Newspapers traditionally do back one political party or candidate in an election, but accept advertising from all parties. We accept advertising from everyone (within reason) but we back no-one. We are proud to have published articles written by the prime minister, the deputy prime minister and the leader of the Labour party. We welcome contributions from across the political spectrum.
We believe that our audience is sophisticated enough to distinguish between advertisements and editorial and are indeed unlikely to only vote for a political party or candidate because of an advertisement paid to appear on PinkNews.co.uk. We think our audience votes for particular parties and candidates for a variety of reasons not just LGBTI rights in any case.
Why are political lobbying campaign advertisements appearing on the website? Do you agree with the campaign?
Political pressure groups try to tap into our highly influential and politically aware audience. We don’t however accept advertisements for campaigns that are racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, transphobic (or generally nasty). Once again, we do not endorse the views expressed by any lobbying advertiser unless otherwise stated. Indeed, many of our team may dislike campaigns but respect the right for people to advertise on our website within reason.
Advertisements currently appearing on PinkNews for the Peter Tatchell Foundation are however endorsed and indeed donated to the foundation to support its work.
Do you endorse any advertising on PinkNews?
No, not really. We can’t promise that a deodorant is going to make you more attractive to the cute person you have your eye on, we equally can’t promise you will really find love on a dating website or that a holiday you see advertised will really be the best of your life. We think our readers are pretty smart and can make up their own minds before voting or paying for something.
Sometimes advertising for unsuitable LGBTI travel destinations can appear via third party advertising networks. If you spot them, please email [email protected] and we will get them removed.