Mexico City: Thousands celebrate pride and call for an end to homophobia

Twelve thousand turned out in the streets of Mexico’s capital to celebrate pride on Saturday, under the protective gaze of around 1,900 police officers.
The celebrators stopped in front of the Senate to protest the Family and Human Development Committee, whose chairman, Jose Maria Martinez, has spoken out against abortion and same sex marriage in the name of protecting “traditional families.”
A spokeswoman for the Network of Civil Associations, Susana Durán spoke out in response to Martinez’s declaration on Wednesday: “Today (Martínez’ view) is far from representing the family, since the expression of family is now increasingly diverse, complex and heterogeneous, Therefore we can’t prosecute or violate the human rights of those who are active participants in nontraditional families, even less so if they are families with children.”
Pride marchers called for respect, marriage equality and an end to homophobia.