Gender-bending fairy doll sparks outrage in Argentina

A fairy doll that has a female body with male genitalia has sparked outrage in Argentina.
The toy came to note after a mother shared pictures of it on Facebook, after her three-year-old was playing with it.
In addition to having long hair, a dress, make-up and fairy wings, peeking under its clothes reveals a bulge in the shape of male genitalia.
It is not known whether the extra feature of the doll – which was made in China and sold in a discount shop – was intentional, or whether it is a manufacturing defect.
The doll has found unlikely support from transgender people in the country – with some hailing it for helping to break down gender boundaries, whether deliberate or not.
However, conservative groups are afraid that it could be ‘influencing’ the sexuality of children.
Child psychologist Ricardo Rodulfo told the Mail: “It doesn’t matter to a child whether their toy has male genitalia or not. The idea causes more disturbance among adults.”
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