Best two out of three? Anti-gay activists demand ‘do-over’ on Supreme Court case

An anti-gay activist is calling for the Supreme Court to re-hear the case that brought same-sex marriage to all 50 states.
The highest court in the US found 5-4 in favour of equality in Obergefell v Hodges – finding that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right and must be recognised in  all 50 US states.
However, some anti-gay activists are unwilling to accept the verdict – and think they can totally win this time if they are given a second chance.
Janet Porter of Faith2Action is asking homophobes to call their Governors and ask for the Supreme Court to let them have another go.
Writing for BarbWire, she claimed: “Are you upset about what the Supreme Court did to marriage? Now, there’s something you can do about it.
“We can ask the court to rehear the case because two justices violated the federal law which states, ‘Any justice… of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned’.
“Justices Kagan and Ginsburg both officiated homosexual so-called weddings, which disqualifies them from ruling on the case. Ask Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine to file a motion for rehearing the marriage case at: 800-282-0515 because it was illegally rendered.
“Ask him to call for a motion for rehearing the case.”
There is little legal precedent for her claim.