Writer pleads to David Cameron: Let me marry my sister!

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Writer Virginia Utley has penned an impassioned plea to David Cameron to let her marry her sister.


She wrote the open letter to the Prime Minister and Chancellor George Osborne on Conservative Home.

Complaining that times had changed from when the definition of marriage was “easy” as it was just “mummy and daddy”, she went on to claim gays “got cross” when asking for same-sex marriage.

She wrote: “I have heard, there are quite a lot of different kinds of family. They say that boys who didn’t really want to marry girls got cross and said they would like to marry boys and likewise some girls wanted to marry girls!”

Asking her question, Utley went on: “I have a sister and we both think boys are very nice, but neither of us met one we liked quite enough to marry – or maybe we were not quite nice enough for them to want to marry us!”

Saying the pair bought a house together, and that they raised her sister’s child together, Utley goes on to ask: “Please can my sister and I get married. Yes? If no, please can we have a civil partnership. Yes?”

Expanding on her argument for sisterly marriage, Utley says “there are so many good things that go with being married”, and that she is missing out by not getting married to her sister.”

She talks about inheritance tax, and pleads that her sister will have to move if she dies.

Concluding, she writes: “So you can see why we will both be cross if we can’t get married or have a civil partnership, just like all those I mentioned earlier were very cross with you. But I am sure you will not say ‘no’ to us when you said ‘yes’ to all the others. Because that wouldn’t be fair, would it? No. We want you to say we are a family, too. Yes?”

Perhaps Utley consulted with former Conservative Party chairman Lord Norman Tebbit who in 2013 discussed the impact of legalising equal marriage, suggesting it could have been extended to family members.

He said: “It’s like one of my colleagues said: we’ve got to make these same-sex marriages available to all. It would lift my worries about inheritance tax because maybe I’d be allowed to marry my son. Why not?

“Why shouldn’t a mother marry her daughter? Why shouldn’t two elderly sisters living together marry each other? I quite fancy my brother!”