Manchester Police step up patrols after vile homophobic attack

Manchester police are increasing the number of patrols around tram stops in the north of the city after a second hate attack in a week.
The attack took place at the Monsall Metrolink tram station, when a man was subjected to homophobic abuse.
At around 11pm on Tuesday, the man was getting off the tram when he was approached by two men who asked if he was gay.
After he said yes, they called him a “queer bastard”, and threw objects at him.
He managed to escape when a woman shouted at them to stop reports the Manchester Evening News.
However he cut his face, after falling over whilst running to escape.
Police are investigating the crime, the second in the last week.
A teenager was subjected to an anti-semitic attack at Bowker Vale tram station on Saturday.
Greater Manchester Police’s Travel Safe team is now patrolling tram stations in the north of the city.