Elton John’s homosexuality has sapped his creative energy, Russian church claims

The Russian Orthodox Church has claimed that Sir Elton John’s creative energy was “sapped” when he came out as gay.
The veteran singer, who has a large following in Russia, fell victim to a hoax last month he asked President Putin to meet with him to discuss his country’s ‘gay propaganda’ law and persecution of LGBT people.
The real Vladimir Putin later called him to discuss LGBT rights – and offered to meet with the singer in future.
The Russian Orthodox Church has lashed out at Sir Elton, however.
Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin told Interfax: “I liked the music he did from the 1970s to early 2000s. Then as he rooted in homosexuality, his creative energy start running dry.
“Homosexuality changes a person’s psychology, his public and creative priorities.”
He added: “It is characteristic not only of this sir, but also of many others, especially representatives of gay community, we have them in our culture, our media, and in authoritative bodies.
“Willingly or unwillingly, people basing on their personal peculiarities start joining the liberal trend and oppose true moral renewal of the society, such a renewal that will touch lives of all people, including high ranking officials, not letting them speak about patriotism during the day and participate in homosexual orgies at night.”
Hopefully his homosexuality won’t also sap Vlaidmir Putin’s energy too when they eventually meet