There is already gay erotica about Canada’s new Prime Minister

Gay erotica has been written, based on the rise of the newest “world’s hottest Prime Minister”, Canada’s Justin Trudeau.
Mr Trudeau, the leader of Canada’s Liberal party, swept to power this month after an election victory – and has stolen the hearts of men and women everywhere.
Though we’re firm believers in judging politicians on their actions and not their looks, Canada’s new PM manages to be a diehard supporter of LGBT rights and look damn fine while doing it.
It’s no surprise then to learn that he’s already inspired a lusty fan-made tribute, in the form of steamy erotic ‘fanfiction’.
Short novella ‘Serving the Prime Minister: A Canadian Romance’ is climbing the ranks on Amazon’s bestseller list – and appears to be based on the rise of the leader.
The book’s blurb explains: “Canada’s sexy new Prime Minister Dustin Waterhole has swept to power – but what’s going on in the back offices?
“I thought I had a pretty good deal going. I was a young guy fresh out of school, and I had landed a job at the headquarters of the Leaf Party.
“But as we suddenly took power in an election, I was suddenly running the back offices and assisting the new Prime Minister, the young and handsome Dustin Waterhole.
“It turns out that serving the Prime Minister means more than just pushing paper… but, I mean, he does have nice hair.”
The nine-page story features new PM ‘Waterhole’ celebrating his election victory by giving into his desire for young protagonist Shawn.
One review wrote: “This ‘novella’ is so hot, that it’s all I need to keep me warm during those harsh, cold Ottawa winter nights. With the recent election of the studliest piece of man-candy to hit Sussex drive since Jean Chrétien, I hope to see more erotic Prime Minister literature such as this.
“The sex scenes alone are enough to make me readily accept a hike in GST….”