Watch: Hillary cracks up over opponent who thinks prisons ‘prove’ being gay is a choice

Hillary Clinton struggled to contain herself when asked about one of her more eccentric opponents – who thinks prisons ‘prove’ being gay is a choice and that gay weddings are a New World Order plot.
The Democratic Presidential frontrunner was asked by Jimmy Kimmel about Republican wannabe and former Fox News pundit Ben Carson – who is currently polling second.
Carson is renowned for his eccentric, anti-LGBT and often conspiratorial views – most recently claiming that Biblical figure Joseph actually built the pyramids in Ancient Egypt, to store grain.
He has previously claimed that same-sex marriage is a Marxist plot conceived by the New World Order – but claimed last month that Muslims aren’t suitable to be President because they are homophobic.
Hillary Clinton was barely able to contain her amazement at Carson’s views – doing her best to be diplomatic and statesmanlike.
She said: “It really does matter what you say when you’re President, and it probably should matter what you say when you’re running for President.
“People all over the world, especially leaders of friends and foes alike, they pay attention to what Presidents say.
“I know we’re in the campaign season, people are saying all kinds of stuff – some of which they believe, some of which they think will get them votes, whatever the case may be… but then it does have to turn serious.”
Asked about polling that shows Carson beating her, she joked: “We’ll have to see how that turns out.”
Carson said earlier this year that prisons prove being gay is “absolutely” a choice, and has compared homosexuality to bestiality and paedophilia
He has also claimed that he doesn’t believe gay rights are civil rights – because there were never separate ‘gay’ water fountains.
In a speech to the anti-gay National Organisation for Marriage’s gala a year ago, Carson ranted about same-sex marriage being a front for communism.
Despite his own record. Dr Carson insisted in September that he could “never support” a Muslim President because ISIS execute gay people.