Caitlyn Jenner wants to be ‘trans ambassador’ for anti-gay Republican Ted Cruz

The reality star has evoked the anger of many by voicing her support for the staunchly homophobic Presidential candidate.
Caitlyn Jenner’s recent interview with The Advocate has caused outrage among the LGBT community, mainly due to her comments on anti-gay Texas senator Ted Cruz
No stranger to controversy, Jenner’s latest comments – expressing her desire to be the ‘trans ambassador’ to Cruz – may be her most detrimental yet.
Jenner – who is openly Republican – said that although she realises Cruz is “probably one of the worst ones when it comes to trans issues,” he is also “a great constitutionalist and a very articulate man.”
Jenner – who recently met with Hillary Clinton – reveals she met Cruz prior to her transition, more than a year ago, “and he was very nice.”
“Wouldn’t it be great, let’s say he goes on to be president,” she continued.
“And I have all my girls on a trans issues board to advise him on making decisions when it comes to trans issues. Isn’t that a good idea?”
“Trans ambassador to the president of the United States, so we can say, ‘Ted, love what you’re doing but here’s what’s going on.’”
Although she also discussed her charity work and transition, Jenner’s comments on Cruz have seen social media explode, with many LGBT celebrities and commentators attacking the former Olympian’s suggestions.
“Caitlyn Jenner Wants 2 Be A Trans Ambassador For Cruz-would that be before Cruz’s dad tries 2 kill us gays or after?” wrote tennis legend Martina Navratilova.
“Doing my best to not send tweets to a woman I respect for her courage, but dang it, @Caitlyn_Jenner you’re killing me with Cruz support!” echoed Chely Wright.
“Hearing a trans person calling Presidential candidate Ted Cruz ‘very nice’ is like hearing a seal wax ecstatic about her new shark buddy,” added Rich Juzwiak for Gawker.
A militant opponent of gay rights, Cruz is one of six Republican candidates to have backed a new ‘religious freedom’ law which would allow religious people to discriminate against married gay couples – while he also plans to void same-sex marriage entirely.