Watch Hollywood star Jesse Eisenberg shame homophobic protesters: ‘You’re so f**ked’

Hollywood star Jesse Eisenberg has been caught on camera hitting out at an anti-LGBT demonstration, telling the homophobes: “You’re so f**ked”.
The Social Network star was just plodding along through London on one of the city’s famed rental bikes.
He is asked by the demonstrator if his mind is closed, as he looks on, slightly confused.
The star, who played a gay character in American Ultra, responds: “Is my mind closed? You’re so fucked up.”
The demonstrator then goes on to make homophobic remarks in the name of God, suggesting homosexuality is sinful.
The street preacher also pulls out that old chestnut, comparing gay people to paedophiles.
He says: “We will agree, that God is a god of love, but he’s also a god of justice… God has his laws. We live in a country where we would say it would be unjust if criminals were not punished, if robbers were not behind bars, if murderers and pedophiles and all these criminals were not published we would say we live in an unjust…”
The incident took place as tens of thousands of revellers took to London’s streets yesterday to prove that Love always wins.
At another part of the parade, two policemen got engaged, which was also caught on video. Sadly some trolls took to social media to call the engagement “evil” and “abominable”.
Meanwhile, in the US, an anti-gay preacher carrying a “you deserve rape” sign, was attacked with a baseball bat by a student, caught the whole thing on camera and then put the whole thing online.
Watch the video of Eisenberg below: