LGBT Republican group refuses to endorse Trump

The LGBT political group, Log Cabin Republicans, announced that they will not endorse Donald Trump.
The group acknowledged that Trump’s choice of advisors concerned them as they have a record of opposing LGBT equality.
However, the organisation praised Trump himself, despite the GOP putting support behind anti-LGBT laws.
Trump has claimed he would “consider” appointing ultra-conservative Supreme Court justices to repeal equal marriage, came out in favour of North Carolina’s anti-trans law, and his running mate Mike Pence has confirmed he would dismantle Barack Obama’s protections for LGBT people.
“Mr. Trump is perhaps the most pro-LGBT presidential nominee in the history of the Republican Party. His unprecedented overtures to the “LGBTQ community” – a first for any major-party candidate in our nation’s history — are worthy of praise, and should serve as a clarion call to the GOP that the days of needing to toe an anti-LGBT line are now a thing of the past.”
“As Mr. Trump spoke positively about the LGBT community in the United States, he concurrently surrounded himself with senior advisors with a record of opposing LGBT equality, and committed himself to supporting legislation such as the so-called “First Amendment Defence Act” that Log Cabin Republicans opposes.”
The First Amendment Defence Act (FADA) exists to prevent federal government action against individuals and businesses that oppose same-sex marriage on religious grounds.
Benefits for LGBTI employees could also be stripped under this act with companies being able to deny time off to an employee so they can care for their partner.
Same-sex couples could also be discriminated against in terms of housing.
Log Cabin wrapped up the statement by stating that they would not rule out working with the GOP runner if he were to get into office.
“Should Mr. Trump become our nation’s next President, Log Cabin Republicans welcomes the opportunity to work with his administration to ensure the advances in LGBT freedom we have fought for and secured will continue.”
“Until and unless that happens, our trust would be misplaced.”
It’s the second time the official national group has chosen not to back the GOP nominee — the prior time was 2004 for George W. Bush.