A disgustingly homophobic note was left on this persons car

A stranger left a disgusting homophobic note was left on a persons car.
The note, written on a scrap of paper, read “time for faggots to go back where they belong. Trump is president now. No more marriage. No more rights. No more faggots.”
Hundreds of people tweeted responses shared love and solidarity with the person, who is “very scared and upset” following the anonymous attack.
The note was tweeted by a friend of the person who’s car it was left on and sparked a series of responses of similar notes popping up across the US.
It isn’t the first homophobic attack following the announcement that Donal Trump is the next president-elect.
A gay, married couple had the front door of their apartment defaced on Friday with homophobic slurs.
“Fags” was written in marker pen across the door of their shared apartment in Okemos, Michigan.
A neighbour of the couple found the vandalism in the morning and reported it to the apartment block. When the tenants were made aware of the slurs, maintenance staff had already begun work to remove it.
The couple Nikki Schartzer and Katie Dietrich, have been married for over a year and they live with their gender fluid roommate, Pam Philo.
“The fact that it happened to me and two people I love dearly is really upsetting and disappointing,” Philo said.
A couple in Michigan had homophobic insults scrawled over their car.
The graffiti, which said “die homo” and “faggot”, has left the McFarland family upset and in disbelief.
The couple are unsure why they have been targeted with the abuse, but believe it’s related to the outcome of the election.