You won’t believe which country watches the most gay porn

The country that watches the most gay porn has been revealed by a data analysis group – and it’s not where you’d expect.
The InformationIsBeautiful project has revealed which countries are best at just about everything – including watching a spot of gay action online.
It’s long been recognised that countries with oppressive and homophobic laws tend to have higher gay porn consumption rates.
Kenya has previously been named as the country where Google has recorded the most searches for gay porn.
But in at number one from this research is… Pakistan.
Pakistan has some of the most homophobic social attitudes and laws in the world.
Having consensual gay sex carries a sentence of two years imprisonment in the country.
Being openly gay is considered taboo, while there are no legal protections for people subject to homophobia.
Same-sex adoptions and marriages are no allowed, and many politicians in the country argue that marriage equality laws go against Islam – something that’s even included in the country’s constitution.
On a more positive note, the country most in favour of equality is said to be Spain, where same-sex marriage has been legal since 2005.
88% of Spanish people are said to be supportive of homosexuality.