John Kasich, who said victims of homophobia should ‘get over it’ signs 20-week abortion ban

Former Presidential hopeful John Kasich, who said victims of homophobia should “get over it”, has signed a bill into law banning abortions after 20 weeks.
The Governor of Ohio, who has a mixed record on LGBT issues, signed the bill into law this week, according to the Associated Press.
The bill is one of two to pass through the Ohio legislature last week. One would have made it illegal for a woman to have an abortion after just six weeks.
But the 20-week ban was signed today by Kasich, who conceded the Republican Presidential race back in May.
The 6-week ban, which banned abortion after the first fetal heartbeat was vetoed by Kasich.
The Governor of Ohio previously said he would not have signed a trans ‘bathroom bill’, like have been passed in Mississippi and North Carolina.
The bills restrict the rights of LGBT people, particularly those who are transgender.
Then he said his Republican friends need to “move on” from the equal marriage debate which, apparently is still going on. He even said he would still love his daughters if they were gay – wow.
In February, he stood firm on same-sex marriage – despite nearly all his rival candidates planning to overturn it – saying he would not.
He also split from his rivals on LGBT rights – by coming out in favour of anti-discrimination laws.
But he since made questionable comments on rape, saying that people shouldn’t drink at parties in case they get raped, and that victims of homophobia should “get over it”.
Speaking at Watertown, New York, Kasich advised that a female college student should steer clear of “parties where there’s a lot of alcohol” in order to avoid being raped.
A first year student at the St Lawrence University asked Kasich: “What are you going to do in office as president to help me feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape?”
At first he spoke about the importance of access to rape kits “if something happens to you along the lines of sexual harassment or whatever.” Then, Kasich claimed that Ohio is in the process of ensuring that the state’s college students know the state’s laws and “confidential policies” so “co-eds” are “not vulnerable, at risk, and can be preyed upon.”
“I have two 16-year-old daughters, and I don’t even like to think about it,” Kasich is quoted to have said by Slate.
“It’s sad, but it’s something that I have to worry about,” retorted the student.
Then he gave his main piece of advice, saying: “Don’t go to parties where there’s a lot of alcohol.”