Australian TV host loses it over politicians stalling equal marriage

An Australian TV host lashed out at politicians live on air, after the government opted to block a free vote in Parliament on equal marriage.
This week, Malcolm Turnbull’s Liberal Party vowed to keep on blocking attempts to hold a Parliamentary vote on the issue, despite a majority of MPs supporting equal marriage.
In order to appease anti-LGBT conservatives, Turnbull vowed to block progress and instead take the issue to the Australian public for a non-binding postal vote.
The planned postal ballot is already estimated to cost as much as $122 million.
The buck-passing fudge of a deal was clearly too much for Australian TV host Karl Stefanovic, who hit out at the decision on The Today Show.
He said: “A non-binding, non-compulsory postal vote is complete BS.
“In my opinion there have been far too many column inches, far too much airtime, far too much taxpayer time and money wasted on an issue I believe should be decided in the parliament.
“Why do we elect officials if not to make decisions that reflect our beliefs?
“Let’s get on with it… pull your fingers out in Canberra and get on with it!
“Let’s look at this simply, confidently and compassionately. Why are we stopping people from loving each other? In a world where we should be celebrating love over hate, this decision is a no-brainer.
“Two people who want to share their lives together, love the big events as a union, and the small moments of life.”
He added: “Why do any of us have a right to stand in the way? This is more about the fear and naivety of non-gay people than anything to do with a problem with gay marriage.
“In the nation’s capital, it has become a political football. It is less about the real issue and all about the chest-beating and posturing in politics. Politicians have real issues to deal with, so I implore them to do it.
“Vote in Parliament and say yes to gay marriage, and let’s live happily ever after.”
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
Stefanovic won praise last year after his in-depth apology after an inadvertently offensive joke about trans people.
The host said: ” I was an ignorant tool. And when I say ‘ignorant’, I truly mean it.
“I often laugh at things I shouldn’t and sometimes say them – but yesterday I got it very wrong.”
“People have told me to educate myself, and I’ve started to, and I encourage all you at home to do the same. It would be a great if everyone took a leaf out of the LGBTQI community’s book and is open to talking about why they feel a certain way.”
Related: Gay comedian drags Australian Prime Minister over equal marriage during live TV interview