Trans student kicked out of Christian private school

A trans teenager has said he was kicked out of his Christian private school because of his gender identity.
Stiles Zuschlag had attended the New Hampshire Tri-City Christian Academy since kindergarten.
He says he was told homeschooling or counselling would be more appropriate as he is transgender.
He has since transferred to a Maine public high school to complete his senior year.
Administrators at the Christian school have refused to comment on the issue.
The Christian Academy does not receive federal funding.
It is legal for a religious school to ask a trans student to leave, whether it receives federal funding or not.
But Zuschlag, although is against being discriminated against for being trans, did tweet that the Christian school made him unhappy.
He wrote that he had felt “trapped and terrified every day”.
On 1 September, he wrote: “Kicked out of school for being transgender.”
A group of parents earlier this year pulled their children out of a school after a kindergarten lesson on trans issues caused controversy.
The Rocklin Academy in California is deemed prestigious with a long waiting list.
Despite the well-regarded status of the school, several parents have decided to take their children out.
The family of a transgender 8-year-old is suing a private school for “intentional infliction of emotional distress” after the school allegedly refused to use female pronouns or let her use the female restroom.
Several similar cases in the US have reached court in the past year.
Cases in Florida, Maine, Colorado and Wisconsin are generally centred around bathroom access and locker rooms.
Some states have also moved to attempt to block the use of public and school restrooms by transgender people.
In the UK last month, a transgender teenage boy died by suicide after his school refused to accept his transition, an inquest has heard.