10 percent of people admit to checking their phone during sex

The attack occurred after the victim mistakenly thought Murphy had taken his phone
At least 10 percent of people are guilty of checking their phones during sex, according to a new study.
According to research conducted by US mobile technology company SureCall, over 10 percent of people admitted to checking their phone for notifications during intimate moments.
We’re not sure whether these people are having bad sex or just have some really amazing Twitter or Instagram notifications.

Face-blocked (Creative Commons)
The study of 1000 people reported by CBS also found a sizable difference in the age of people who admitted to using their phones during sex.
People between 18 and 34 years of age were found to be twice as likely to use their phone when compared to people between 35 and 51 years old.
As well as the 10 percent of people who are sex-multitaskers, 69 percent of people surveyed admitted to checking their phones on the toilet or at a urinal.

Don’t you need your hands to use a urinal? (Creative Commons)
This study then went on to hint at the slightly concerning existence of serial phone-checkers.
Of those who had checked their phone during sex, 43 percent said they had done so more than once within the last year.
Some people even responded they had done so at least 10 times in the past year.
Maybe these people have some really interesting emails to read.

(Creative Commons)
The study did not ask respondents what they had been looking at on their phones during sex, though we think swiping through dating apps is probably the worst option.
Related: Oral sex app lets you give your partner an orgasm by licking your phone
If your newfound Tinder bae starts swiping while you’re doing the deed, there is some good news.
Fresh research has hinted that Tinder users aren’t really having much more sex than the rest of us.

People are getting as frisky as you’d think (Pexels)
A study published in May suggested that non-swiping singletons are getting as much sex as those who use dating apps.
In a survey of 641 19-29 year olds, researchers at the Norwegian University of Technology asked students to complete a questionnaire about their sex lives and app usage during their lecture breaks, reported Metro.co.uk.
According to the data, “Dating app users don’t have more casual sexual partners than others with the same short-term preference,” says Mons Bendixen, an associate professor at NTNU’s Department of Psychology, reported Joe.co.uk.
The research also found some interesting differences in how men and women use dating apps.
Women are said to spend more time on the apps, with researchers believing this is down to them making a considered effort with their matches.
Meanwhile, men opt for quantity not quality when trying to find someone on Tinder and the like, citing short-term hook-ups as their main reasons for swiping.

We all use the apps out of boredom (Pexels)
And while men tend to use the apps for more fling-based experiences and short-term relationships, women use the app to feel good about themselves, says the research.
However, we all have one thing in common: we all use the apps out of boredom, say the experts.