Gay people masturbate more than straight people, but fantasise less often about their exes

Gay respondents masturbated just over 14 times per month. (Envato)
A new survey has revealed that gay people masturbate more than straight people, but fantasise less about their ex-partners.
Surgeon and gay men’s health expert Dr. Evan Goldstein surveyed more than 1,000 Americans of “various sexual orientations, sexual experience, relationship statuses, and genders” about their masturbation habits and preferences.
The survey found that the average straight American masturbates around 12 times per month, but this increased to 14.2 times per month for their gay counterparts.
Goldstein also wanted to know what people think about when they masturbate, and while celebrities took the top spot with 34.4 per cent of people fantasising about them, ex-partners came in at a close second with 33.6 per cent. Only 25 per cent of respondents said that they just fantasise about their current partner.
But when separated by sexual orientation there was a contrast between the fantasies of gay and straight survey participants. 35.9 per cent of straight people admitted to thinking about exes while they’re flying solo, but less than a quarter of gay people (24.7 per cent) said the same.
While most people said they felt positive emotions after masturbation, sadly 7.8 per cent said they felt guilt or shame.
Goldstein added: “It is virtually impossible to separate discussions on porn and masturbation in the 21st century.
“We asked our respondents about their porn preferences and pulled out our most interesting insights.”
The survey found that people who have never had sex are more than twice as likely to primarily watch solo performer porn, and almost one in five (18 percent) gay people primarily watch straight porn when masturbating.
Previous research has also found that it is not uncommon for people to watch porn that does not align with their own sexual orientation.
Last year, research shed light onto why gay man-on-man porn is so popular among women, with factors including a love for the male form and enjoying the versatility of gay sex.