Hero ScotRail staffer named Angus has absolutely no time for homophobes on trains or Twitter


Amid the continuing annus horribilis that is 2020, we have at last been blessed with a hero: a humble ScotRail staffer by the name of Angus.

The man in charge of the Scottish train operator’s social media won a flood of fans on Twitter as he casually shut down bigots with characteristic Scottish bluntness.

It all started onĀ Friday evening when Glasgow’s Pride tweeted to congratulate ScotRail on being shortlisted for the 2020 Proud Scotland Awards.

Amidst the many positive replies, one stood out. An anonymous troll decided the world needed to hear their thoughts on the matter: “You sicken the majority of your customers to virtue signal to this acronym that aims to grow to include, Paedophilia, Incest, Bestiality & Necrophillia, in their ‘anything goes’ philosophy.”

Angus, a man who clearly refuses to suffer homophobes or their Twitter accounts, chose this moment to step in.

“Delete your account. ^Angus,” he replied simply. Was it an official ScotRail reply, the troll asked? Angus happily answered that it was.

Predictably the homophobe wasn’t happy with that response. “You’d all be screaming to the rooftops if Straight Pride marches took place. You’d be shouting discrimination,” they wrote.

“I don’t like your lifestyle, I don’t discriminate, I obey the law – if I offend you in one tweet, so what? You lot offend me day in & day out.”

The hero of the hour refused to engage with their hate but made it quite clear what he and ScotRail think of such views.

“Please don’t take one of our trains again,” he warned. “We don’t tolerate bigotry. #LoveIsLove ^Angus”

The exchange delighted the rarely-overlapping communities of Train Twitter and Gay Twitter, prompting legions of fans to demand a pay rise for Angus.

Even Monica Lennon, the Scottish Labour shadow cabinet secretary for health, advised her followers: “Be like Angus.”

Angus hasn’t commented on his newfound fame yet, but as he signed off for the evening he gracefully stepped out of the limelight by returning the focus to trains.