Defiant councillor comes out as gay while annihilating a pathetic bigot upset over a Pride flag

Carrie Evans, an elected officials in Minot, North Dakota, launched into a brilliant speech after suffering a meeting with several homophobes. (Screen captures via Facebook)
A councillor in Minot, North Dakota, defiantly came out as a lesbian after a homophobe, pulsing with rage, tried to persuade officials to tear down a Pride flag being flown at city hall.
Fielding comments over the council’s move to fly a rainbow flag to celebrate LGBT+ Pride Month – which was budged back from June to September due to the coronavirus – Carrie Evans lit into the hate-filled assembly hall, where one attendee wore a “MAGA” hat.
“I am proudly the first openly elected lesbian in North Dakota,” she said. “So that is why I am not paying any heed to your crap.”
Oh, boy.
Lesbian councillor comes out after hate-filled homophobe demands Pride flag be taken down.
In what can only be described as looking like a scene from Parks and Recreation, at an 8 September city hall meeting, homophobes angered by the city’s move to fly the flag thronged a meeting to express their rage, because we guess they really didn’t have anything better to do on a Tuesday.
When Evans appeared visibly disinterested by their comments, she became the focus of one homophobe in particular – who looked like a dime-store Colonel Sanders.
After a fiery debate over between the resident and officials over who has the floor, Evans bluntly said: “I don’t need his five minutes.
“If you’re not aware, and I think a lot of people in this room are not aware and have come here just because this was a ‘gay issue’, I am proudly the first openly elected lesbian in North Dakota.
“We, the people. I’m the people. I live in Minot. I am a taxpayer. I am a person. I get to see myself represented on that flagpole.”
Evans then listed off some other local groups or national events which were celebrated with a flag: “Every single person is entitled to see themselves represented.”
“We are not some group of people who live in San Fransisco or Seattle – we are here. We are your elected officials.
“We are your brothers. We are your sisters. Don’t tell me you’re not hatred and anger. That’s all I feel, I’ve had to listen to it for days now as has the mayor and many of my colleagues.
“It is unacceptable,” she continued, “the city is big enough for the all of us. Me having a flag flying doesn’t take anything from your rights and freedoms.
“But you know what it does for me? It shows me that I live in a city that appreciates and embraces and the people of my community and that I can live here and feel safe.
“That’s what the flag does. I’m sorry it doesn’t make you feel ‘comfortable’, but we’re here, we’re queer, and we’re not going away.”
A single man then clapped in the hall, and the Saunders lookalike thanked Evans for “exposing herself”.
We, for one, hope this Parks and Recreation spin-off gets renewed just for Evans to own more homophobes.