The first guest judge for Drag Race UK season three has been leaked – and we’re gagging

RuPaul. (VH1)
Drag Race UK season three with feature none other than Little Mix star Leigh-Anne Pinnock as a guest judge.
An insider told The Daily Star: “Producers have wanted Leigh-Anne to be a guest judge for a long time, so they were thrilled she was finally able to do it.
“Everything was very hush-hush and she wasn’t able to tell many people she was doing it.”
She reportedly joined RuPaul and Michelle Visage to film her guest stint earlier this year in Manchester, but BBC are yet to make an official announcement about her joining the show.
The insider added: “Leigh-Anne is a massive fan of the show, so she was the perfect guest judge. She was in her element. And, of course, the contestants loved getting to meet her.”
Little Mix fans were not surprised about the revelation, as several of season two’s Drag Race UK stars recently appeared in Little Mix’s “Confetti” music video. Little Mix appear as their drag king alter-egos alongside Bimini Bon Boulash, Tayce and A’Whora.
Leigh-Anne is not the first Little Mix star to guest judge on the show. Jade Thirlwall featured in season one of Drag Race UK, and their hit song “Power” was used in the lip sync battle.
What do we know about Drag Race UK season three?
BBC announced in November 2020 that Drag Race UK would be returning for a third season, with RuPaul adding: “We feel honoured that you’ve embraced our little show, and our only wish is that we can offer a smile at a time when we can all use it the most.”
Apart from Leigh-Anne’s guest judge slot, little has been confirmed about the upcoming season. Casting closed in November and the news on Leigh-Anne confirms production is already going ahead.
The second season saw queen Veronica Green forced to pull out of the competition after she tested positive for COVID-19. RuPaul said she had given Veronica an open invitation to compete in season three, but in an interview back in February she said: “I’ve not made my decision [on whether to return].”
The season two queens have all been busy since the show’s finale, with Tayce and A’Whora diving into modelling, Tia Kofi and Veronica Green headlining a new theatre show and Bimini Bon Boulash scoring a book deal with Penguin.