Cliff Richard: My sexuality is private and I’ll take it to the grave

Anyone speculating whether Sir Cliff Richard is gay isn’t likely to get an answer any time soon. Sir Cliff Richard has said he will “never” speak publicly about his sexuality.

The singer has faced gay rumours for many years, and was the subject of a damaging police investigation after allegations of historic sexual abuse were made against him.

In 2014, Richard’s home was searched by police as part of the Operation Yewtree investigation. However, he was not arrested and has always strongly denied the allegations.

The case against the then 75-year-old music legend was dropped – when The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said there was “insufficient evidence to prosecute” him.

Speaking to ITV’s Loose Women shortly after the incident, the singer addressed speculation about his sexuality – but said he would take his secrets to the grave.

Gloria Hunniford asked: “Now you’ve fielded questions all your life about sexuality. Do you think that some people might be saying ‘Oh well Cliff never got married. Well there must be something funny here’?”

Sir Cliff Richard replied: “I’ve lived with that for the whole of my career.

“I always feel that I’m one of the most open people [to the world]… I’ve done more interviews for TV for sure, for press than anyone else alive on the planet.

“I don’t mind talking about things but there are things that are mine. That will go with me to my grave.

“And I’ve given up for instance, I don’t talk about my family, I certainly don’t talk about my sexuality.

“I don’t talk about my family because sometimes the press with the best intentions can just twist something a little bit and leave everyone feeling bad about it.

“My personal life is absolutely my business, and it’s nobody’s business but mine, you know?

“I feel that I read stories in the press about other celebrities and alleged scandals and things going on.

“And I’m thinking ‘Is it illegal?’ No. If adults do what they want to do behind their bedroom doors it’s absolutely up to them. I’ve no interest.

“It’s not my business… and it’s not your business either about me.”

In the past, Sir Cliff Richard has publicly backed gay marriage. In 2011, he told BBC Radio 4: “I don’t see why gay people shouldn’t be married. I have got friends, same-sex couples, who have been together for decades. So for them it’s marriage even though they can’t call it marriage.

“It probably isn’t marriage as such because we recognise it as a man and woman and having babies. [But] that’s ­neither here nor there for me.”

On Loose Women, he also thanked his friend Sir Elton John for standing by him.

He said: “Elton [John] was one of the first people that called me. I can’t use the language he used, but he said, go for the – rotten throat.

“And I got a call from Tony Blair, who I hadn’t seen for ages and ages. And he called me just to comfort me.”

The Christian singer said in 2008 that he “loves” the enigma around his sexuality.

Speaking in 2014, the singer said: ” “If I was gay, would it make any difference? Would you not come to my concerts because I was gay? I hope not. I have got gay friends. Most people have gay friends.”

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