Sweden looking for gay campers

A Swedish group has set up a camp for gay, bisexual men and others who want to explore their homosexuality.
The International GayCamp 2006, for Men who have Sex with Men, will take part for 8 days from July 23 outside Stockholm in Sweden. The Gay-Camp Organisation is a non-profit organisation run by men from the gay community for males who wants to explore their sexuality.
It will be the 23rd Gaycamp in Sweden and is touted as a way of deepening your identity and network as a gay person. Activities include aerobics, massage, swimming and dance lessons. There are also seminars on safe sex, coming out, identity, and gay parenting.
The camp is conducted in English and Swedish officially with a good mixture of Swedes and other countries represented. It cost 280 Euros (£190) for EU citizens and $470.00 USD for non Swedish participants.