Gay artist donates Brokeback inspired painting

American artist, Thom Bierdz, has unveiled a major new painting inspired by the dozy embrace scene in gay cowboy movie Brokeback Mountain.
The impressionistic painting is titled “Brokeback Tree House, Happy Ever After.”
Mr Bierdz has donated the painting to the Ultimate Brokeback Forum to auction. Proceeds will go to support the work of the forum, most notably, their recent campaign to place copies of the Brokeback Mountain DVD into as many rural libraries as possible.
Currently, the forum’s 3,600 members have donated over 400 DVDs to libraries in 28 states, two Canadian provinces, and The Bahamas, where the film version of Brokeback Mountain was banned. Their goal is to donate 2,000 DVDs and plan to use proceeds from the auction to greatly assist in meeting this goal.
The Ultimate Brokeback Forum has 3,600 members and in only four months of operation has over 12,000 unique visitors each day and over 200,000 page views.
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