India divided over Anti-Gay law.

There is more evidence in India of the growing acceptance of homosexuality.
A new survey by The Hindustan Times, shows that only about a third of Indian youth are in favour of keeping the country’s anti-homosexual laws.
The national newspaper asked readers between the ages of 15 and 25 about India’s current law which makes gay sex illegal. It is an offence punishable by up to 10 years in prison. The law was imposed in 1861 by British colonial authorities.
The survey found that only 31 percent favoured keeping the law, whilst 17 percent were not sure and 52 percent believe the anti-gay law should go.
Just last week Indian academics including Nobel laureate economist Amartya Sen, and Booker prizewinner Arundhati Roy, joined another 100 influential signatories calling for the scrapping of the law.
With an Indian population of over 1 billion, the law prohibiting same sex relations is estimated to be affecting hundreds of millions of people.
For a while now, health officials have been complaining that forcing the gay community underground has hampered efforts to halt the spread of HIV.