Christian handbook snubs gays

A Christian directory has been accused of homophobia after snubbing gay members of the faith.
The UK Christian Handbook, which is produced every two years and provides contacts for organisations and services related to the religion, has reportedly snubbed advertising requests from the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement (LGCM.)
The writers told the organisation that it could not advertise as it would have commercial implications for the product, the Ekklesia Christian news agency
Reverend Richard Kirker, chief executive of LGCM, said the actions were homophobic, he told Ekklesia; “Even though the issue of sexuality was not cited, the Handbook’s actions are nevertheless homophobic. The Christian Handbook have treated us differently because of our views on homosexuality, and are perpetuating discrimination through their silence.”
In a letter to LGCM, Heather Wraight, the Handbook’s editor wrote; “I am sure you are aware that the Handbook is used by a very wide range of people in this country, some of whom would disagree strongly with the aims and objectives of your organisation.
“We have taken advice about the effect that accepting your advert could have on the image and acceptability of the Handbook, to the customers who are most likely to buy it.”