Sacramento Slavic hate churches

Hostile demonstrations and actions have recently been initiated by Slavic churches at gay pride events.
Sacramento is said to have one of the largest former Soviet Union communities and these ultra religious groups are being blamed for a growth in anti homosexual actions.
The Russian speaking demonstrators are said to “far outnumber representatives from all other anti-gay groups combined” according to the Seattle Times.
The communities started coming to the area as refugees in the 80’s and like many former immigrant communities view the US as a safe haven for the practicing of their chosen religious ideology.
The demonstrators are accused of often violent and hate filled protests, indeed according to the said publication; “Nathan Feldman said he formed his gay self-defence organisation, Stand Up for Sacramento, after he was surrounded by dozens of Russian-speaking demonstrators at a June gay-pride parade”.
The hostility has united more liberal churches and human rights organisations in the area.
Unfortunately it appears that many of the anti gay groups have a belief in apocalyptic prophesy and that it is believers job to ‘cleanse’ the world of people different to them, in other words non-bigots.
The protests are also said to have had a significant affect upon the vetoing of a “state Senate bill that would have banned negative references based on sexual orientation from state textbooks and classes” according to the Seattle Times . The Californian version of section 28.
Mr Schwarzenegger the governor of California vetoed it saying that “protection against discrimination already existed in state law.”