Nick Clegg will speak at Pride London

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The leader of the Liberal Democrats has become the latest politician to confirm he will speak at London’s Pride event next month.

He will address an audience of tens of thousands of gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people from the main stage at Trafalgar Square.

Pride London is the biggest event of its type in the UK. This year it will be held on July 5th, with a parade through the streets of London followed by speeches and performances in Trafalgar Square.

It is unclear if Mr Clegg will be taking part in the parade.

There are also stages dotted around Soho.

The Dance Stage in Soho Square will be hosted by nightclub Fire, the Womenā€™s Stage will be on Dean Street and for the first time a BAME Stage will be on Romilly Street.

London’s new Conservative Mayor, Boris Johnson, will be taking part in the parade and will address the crowds from the main stage.

It is unclear who will represent the Labour party at Pride London. Last year Harriet Harman, the party’s deputy leader and Secretary of State for Equality, appeared with junior Treasury minister Angela Eagle.

Ms Eagle is the only out lesbian in Parliament.

Labour party sources told that Ms Harman would not be able to attend this year.

Given the high-profile Tory and Lib Dem speakers, Labour is expected to put up a senior MP to speak at Pride London.

For more information about Pride London click here.