Glasgay festival’s play Jesus, Queen of Heaven upsets Christians

Fundamentalist Christians have claimed that a play to be performed later this year as part of the Glasgay arts festival is insulting to their beliefs.
The Christian Institute, which is opposed to equality for gay people, said it is “further proof of an agenda to use taxpayers’ money to fund assaults on Christian values.”
Written and performed by Jo Clifford, Jesus, Queen of Heaven portrays Jesus as a transsexual woman.
“This is a play with music that presents her sayings, her miracles, and her testimony,” according to the publicity material on the Glasgay website.
“And she does not condemn the gays or the queers or the trans women or the trans men, and no, not the straight women nor the straight men neither.
“Because she is the Daughter of God, most certainly, and almost as certainly the son also. And Gods child condemns nobody. She can only love…”
The Christian Institute has condemned funding the festival is receiving from Glasgow City Council.
“If Glasgow’s council taxpayers were consulted, I doubt they would consider this was a good use of their money,” a spokesman said.
The Roman Catholic Church has also condemned the production, branding it provocative.
Glasgay is one of the most well-regarded LGBT arts events in the UK. It was founded in 1993.