Cynthia Nixon: My bisexuality was not a choice, my gay relationship is

In a statement given to the American gay magazine The Advocate, Cynthia Nixon has addressed the confusion which followed her comments on sexuality.
The actress’s observations in a New York Times interview this month sparked controversy, when she seemed to say she chose to be gay.
Now the 45-year-old has said it was within the scope of her bisexuality that she decided to enter a gay relationship, rather than switching at will between exclusively gay and straight sexual orientations.
She reiterated that her comments only applied to her, not the gay community in general.
Though Nixon had made it clear in her original interview that she was only speaking for herself, she drew criticism from gay rights advocates who said statements which imply there may be an element of choice in sexuality hinder the fight for equal rights.
Nixon and Christine Marinoni have been together for nine years and went public with their relationship in 2004. She has two children from a former 15-year relationship with a man.
Nixon’s statement in full reads: “My recent comments in The New York Times were about me and my personal story of being gay. I believe we all have different ways we came to the gay community and we can’t and shouldn’t be pigeon-holed into one cultural narrative which can be uninclusive and disempowering. However, to the extent that anyone wishes to interpret my words in a strictly legal context I would like to clarify:
“While I don’t often use the word, the technically precise term for my orientation is bisexual. I believe bisexuality is not a choice, it is a fact. What I have ‘chosen’ is to be in a gay relationship.
“As I said in the Times and will say again here, I do, however, believe that most members of our community — as well as the majority of heterosexuals — cannot and do not choose the gender of the persons with whom they seek to have intimate relationships because, unlike me, they are only attracted to one sex.
“Our community is not a monolith, thank goodness, any more than America itself is. I look forward to and will continue to work toward the day when America recognizes all of us as full and equal citizens.”