Video: Dan Savage launches his ‘Not All Like That’ project for Christians who support gay rights

In a video posted online, gay activist and founder of the ‘It Gets Better Project’ Dan Savage has launched his new ‘Not All Like That’ (NALT) campaign for Christians who support LGBT civil rights.
Posted under the name NALTChristians, the video featured Dan Savage who explains the NALT project is “Christians, and hopefully no small number of straight Christians, talking to LGBT people and to other Christians, LGBT and straight.”
He says: “NALT stands for ‘Not All Like That.’ It is a term I came up with because in my talks Christians were forever coming up to me and saying ‘we’re not all like that, we don’t all hate and condemn gay people.’
“I heard that so often that I started thinking of the Christians who said that to me as NALTs – ‘Not All Like That’ Christians – Christians who support LGBT civil rights.”
He added: “To the NALT Christians who confide in me their support of LGBT people I’ve always said don’t tell me that not all Christians are anti-gay bigots, tell that to all the so-called anti-gay Christian leaders out there who claim to speak for all Christians.
“People like Pat Robertson, Brian Brown, and Tony Perkins – and tell them, and tell the world there are Christians who support LGBT people.”
Up until now, he goes on to explain, such NALT Christians did not have a platform from which to tell the world they support LGBT rights.
“Well now you have that platform,” he affirmed.
He is now urging NALT Christians to join his campaign and make a “Not All Like that video.”
“If you don’t speak up, then know that your silence allows the Tony Perkins and Robertsons of this world to speak for you, and to continue doing real harm not just to LGBT people, but also to Christianity itself.”
In the lecture, he said: “People often say that they can’t help with the anti-gay bullying acts because it says right there in Leviticus, it says right there in Timothy, it says right there in Timothy, it says right there in Romans, that being gay is wrong.”
“We can learn to ignore the bulls**t in the Bible and what it says about gay people,” he said, and went on to compare the acceptance of homophobic teachings to the acceptance of those verses which seem to support slavery and eating shellfish.