US: Eagle Scout to be shown the door due to Boy Scouts gay adult ban

Twin Eagle Scouts Liam and August earned the award last week, but one of them is being forced to leave the organisation because he is gay.
Liam and August Easton-Calabria both earned the Eagle Scout badge on Sunday, but due to a Boy Scouts of America (BSA) policy which bans openly gay adults, Liam will be forced to leave the organisation.
The BSA in January lifted its ban on openly gay members, but kept in place a ban on gay adult scout leaders and volunteers.
The twins have been boy scouts since the age of 11, but on his 21st birthday, Liam, a senior patrol leader, will no longer be allowed to participate in the BSA.
He came out as gay in high school.
“It was an interesting revelation to see the Boy Scouts come together as a non-inclusive organisation,” Liam said.
“I don’t think it’s true to the scouting way. I mean, absolutely, scouting should be an inclusive organisation.”
Liam has said when he has kids of his own, he hopes they will be scouts.