Brighton: Trans community urged to join swimming club

A swimming club for the trans community is re-launching in Brighton this September.
Trans Swimming Brighton is for anyone whose gender expression has been keeping them from swimming.
The club has the support of the city council and incorporates trans-friendly lifeguards and additional support staff.
Sessions at the Brighton Swimming Centre on Eastern Road will run from 19 September until 24 October at 8pm-9.30pm.
The group said further sessions will be announced in due course.
Members of the club were at last Saturday’s Trans* Pride in Brighton.
Last year, a trans report by Brighton and Hove City Council found that many pubs, clubs, council buildings and sports centres did not have the right facilities for trans people.
It said there was “a lack of general awareness”, in particular a lack of gender neutral changing areas.
One trans person said: “Huge amounts of money have been spent on redeveloping parts of King Alfred Leisure Centre.
“It should have been easy to include suitable facilities – changing areas, toilets, showers – for trans people. That would make a big difference to me.”
The report was produced by the council’s Trans Scrutiny Panel.